Best Army Comp Eu4 (2024)

In Europa Universalis IV (EU4), mastering your army composition is essential for success on the battlefield. Whether you're expanding your empire, defending your borders, or engaging in warfare, having the right army composition can make all the difference. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of creating the best army composition in EU4 to ensure victory in your campaigns.

Understanding Army Composition

Before diving into the specifics, it's crucial to understand the components of an army composition. In EU4, armies consist of infantry, cavalry, and artillery units. Each unit type has its strengths and weaknesses, and balancing them effectively is key to creating a formidable force.

Infantry: The Backbone of Your Army

Infantry units form the bulk of your army and are essential for holding the line in battles. They excel in frontline combat and are resilient against enemy attacks. When constructing your army composition, aim to have a substantial number of infantry units to absorb enemy fire and maintain battlefield control.

Cavalry: Swift and Versatile

Cavalry units are fast-moving and excel at flanking maneuvers and chasing down retreating enemies. While they can deliver devastating charges, cavalry units are vulnerable in prolonged engagements and are best used as support for infantry units. Incorporating cavalry into your army composition can add mobility and flexibility to your forces.

Artillery: Unleashing Devastating Firepower

Artillery units provide long-range firepower and play a crucial role in breaking enemy lines and sieging fortifications. Positioned behind infantry and cavalry units, artillery can deal significant damage to enemy forces while remaining relatively safe from direct attacks. Including artillery in your army composition is essential for achieving victory in battles and sieges.

Creating the Ideal Army Composition

Now that we've covered the basics let's discuss how to create the best army composition in EU4. A balanced army composition typically consists of a mix of infantry, cavalry, and artillery units, tailored to suit your military strategy and the terrain of the battlefield.


1. Balanced Composition for General Warfare

  • 1.1 Infantry: 60% of Total Troops
  • 1.2 Cavalry: 25% of Total Troops
  • 1.3 Artillery: 15% of Total Troops

2. Siege Warfare Composition

  • 2.1 Infantry: 70% of Total Troops
  • 2.2 Cavalry: 20% of Total Troops
  • 2.3 Artillery: 10% of Total Troops

3. Specialized Compositions for Different Situations

  • 3.1 Shock Infantry Composition
  • 3.2 Fire Infantry Composition
  • 3.3 Cavalry Heavy Composition

Balanced Composition for General Warfare

In most situations, a balanced army composition is effective for engaging in general warfare. This composition typically consists of 60% infantry, 25% cavalry, and 15% artillery. Infantry units form the core of your army, while cavalry provides mobility and artillery delivers devastating firepower from the rear.

Siege Warfare Composition

When focusing on sieging enemy fortifications, adjusting your army composition is necessary. A siege warfare composition typically comprises 70% infantry, 20% cavalry, and 10% artillery. The increased number of infantry units helps maintain siege progress, while cavalry and artillery provide support and protection.

Specialized Compositions for Different Situations

Depending on your military strategy and the strengths of your nation, you may opt for specialized army compositions tailored to specific situations. Shock infantry compositions prioritize infantry units with high shock values, ideal for engaging in close combat. Fire infantry compositions focus on units with high fire values, excelling in ranged combat. Cavalry-heavy compositions emphasize the use of cavalry units for swift maneuvers and flanking attacks.


Mastering army composition is a fundamental aspect of success in EU4. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each unit type and tailoring your composition to suit your strategy and objectives, you can achieve victory on the battlefield. Experiment with different compositions, adapt to changing circ*mstances, and lead your armies to glory in the ever-changing landscape of Europa Universalis IV.


1. How do I determine the optimal army composition for my nation?

  • Assess your nation's military strengths, terrain, and available resources to determine the most effective army composition for your specific circ*mstances.

2. Should I prioritize infantry, cavalry, or artillery in my army composition?

  • It depends on your military strategy and objectives. In general warfare, a balanced composition works well, but for specialized tactics, you may need to adjust the ratio of each unit type accordingly.

3. How important is terrain in determining army composition?

  • Terrain plays a significant role in battles and should be considered when designing your army composition. For example, cavalry may be less effective in rough terrain, while artillery can excel in open fields.

4. Can I change my army composition during a campaign?

  • Yes, army composition should be adaptable to changing circ*mstances. Depending on your strategic goals and the evolving situation on the battlefield, you may need to adjust your composition accordingly.

5. What role do military technologies play in army composition?

  • Military technologies can influence the effectiveness of different unit types. As you advance technologically, consider upgrading your army composition to take advantage of new technologies and tactics.
Best Army Comp Eu4 (2024)
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